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(1 edit)

I have three questions.

1. Is this your latest version?

2. Are you going to keep updating your games in as well?

3. Is there walkthrough that is pdf? And if there is, can you give me one?

1: Yes

2: Not sure. This was primarily to deal with the Patreon suspension. We'll see.

3. I don't have a walkthrough. The game is relatively linear so I don't think you need to worry too much about needing a walkthrough. But I think I've seen some fan made ones around, not sure how up to date they are. Should probably be easy to find.

I think that you should keep upload/update your games on so that you have some other websites as backup in case of Pateron suspension. Not to mention how it would get others who only use learn about your games as well. 

Deleted 96 days ago

What is?

Deleted 102 days ago
Deleted 96 days ago